Friday, February 16, 2007

Thing 14 - Technorati

Well, I've spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to use Technorati. At one point, I felt quite confident with using this application. I even claimed my blog and felt a tiny bit proud. It was then that I saw another person's blog and found that they had taken the challenge and added links to tags. My confidence was completely deflated. I couldn't figure out how to get those tags in there and Honey, I'm sorry (my husband runs his own website) but when I look at HTML code, I get a little overwhelmed. It took a bit but I think I've finally figured it out. I've tagged a few terms:

For those experts out there, why aren't there any blog posts relating to my tags?

I also played with the keyword search. Of all of them, I prefer the Blog Posts search. If I was researching a topic, this search would be most helpful because it shows a blog post your term embedded in it. The organized part of my brain had a fondness for the directory search. The results more organized and easier to visually process.

Whew! I need an aspirin.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Thing 13 - Delicious is web-i-licious!

I created my own account. I didn't want to miss out on any of the fun. I don't know how I'm going to find the time to maintain all of these accounts. Are any of the Web 2.0 steps related to time-management? he! he!

Anyway, most of my tags relate to guinea pigs - surprise, surprise! :-) Creating an account helped me answer the question: How could be used as a research tool? I'm hoping that if a new guinea pig owner joined Delicious to learn more about their new pet, they will find my links useful. I made so many mistakes when I adopted my first guinea pig, Baxter. The biggest mistake I made was feed him a diet suggested by PetCo. When Baxter was one year old, he became very ill. His veterinarian blamed it on an an incorrect diet. I adjusted his diet and he remained healthy for four more years. I don't want other new guinea pig owners to fall in the same trap that I did if they adopt a guinea pig from a pet store so I added lots of links related to guinea pig care. I also added links to guinea pig supply stores so that new owners can buy their new pet lots of toys too.

Another great reason for using Delicious is to consolidate bookmarks. We have three computers in our house and none of them have the same bookmarks. Now, we'll always have access to them regardless of which computer we use.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Thing 12 - Rolling My Own Search Engines

Rollyo helped me to create two new search engines, one that is work related and another that is guinea pig related.

My work search engine is called My Library Aide. I only cataloged Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Books a Million onto this engine. I order new books for a handful of patrons but only if the reviews are good. Now I can just enter the title of the book and read the reviews from all three books sites. I think it will save me a lot of time.

My other search engine is called Cavy Fetch. I also belong to a community of guinea pig owners. When a health issue arises, I often refer to a couple of guinea pig related web sites. Now, I can just type the issue in, and see the responses from both websites.

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Thing 11 - Library Thing

This week I am fighting a cold that is immune to medicine and vitamins. I'm quarantined to three rooms in the house. Luckily, one of them contains a computer so I can continue learning Web 2.0.

Library Thing is a great resource. Patrons often ask me to recommend books that are similar to the book that they have just finished. I use the library's databases but I've noticed that only the popular authors are usually listed. Sometimes I need to look for more obscure authors. Library Thing may help me find a better answer.

I used Library Thing to catalog my favorite books, not the books that I own. Now, I can delete the book pictures that I've added to Flickr and add them to my Library Thing.